The Evidence

According to the CDC

Adolescent mental health is a growing concern. Recent data shows that 42% of young individuals feel persistently sad or hopeless (up from 28% in 2011), while 29% experience poor mental health. Disturbingly, 22% have considered attempting suicide (up from 16% in 2011), with 10% having made an attempt. These alarming statistics underscore the urgent need for comprehensive support and intervention to protect the well-being of our youth.

Benefits of Self-Care Services for Students

  • Improved academic performance leading to higher graduation rates (National Association of School Psychology)

  • Cultivation of a positive school climate leading to improved mental well-being among teachers and staff (Journal of Education and Practice)

  • Decreased disciplinary incidents, allowing for more instructional time in the classroom (Journal of Medical Research)

  • Reduction in disciplinary time for students and less need for disciplinary resources (Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders)

  • Early intervention and prevention strategies effectively address issues before they escalate in severity (Journal of School Health)